We know the expression: “a well-oiled machine”, but we also know that experts in the automotive industry no longer strive for this. As it happens, we strive for the best oiled machine! We are looking for the minor improvements that ensure there is less wear and tear, that there is a better surface quality and that production costs are lower. This is an attitude that has characterised and penetrated the entire group. As a supplier to this demanding industry, the Micro Machining Group is continually searching for opportunities to optimise the process, thus achieving minor improvements. We immediately see this reflected in our production processes, but also in our stock management, delivery reliability and quality control.
We make a difference by seamlessly integrating our processes into your chain.Jan Sander - Director

The Micro Machining Group supplies the right amount of precision mechanical components of the right quality at the right time; this is what ´just-in-time´ means to us. If necessary, we even take over additional stages from your production process to fit even better into your production chain and increase efficiency. In concrete terms, this means we are a partner that makes a significant contribution to your processes and we therefore add value.